Eve Online Trade Hubs

Eve Online Trade Hubs

Eve Online Trade Hubs

Eve Online Trade Hubs, both primary and secondary are listed in the article below.

Primary Eve Online Trade Hubs

Listed below are the four major trade hubs in Eve online.

Jita / The Forge / Caldari Space

Total market value:119,4 trillion ISK
Location (with link to evemaps):Jita IV – Moon 4 – Caldari Navy Assembly Plant

Jita is without question the largest trade hub in Eve Online and the center of trade in New Eden.

Jita usually hosts over 1000 players in local with constant traffic in and out of the system.

Be prepared for extreme competition in Jita due to the high level of activity, often resulting in fairly low profit margins and more challenge for players low on ISK to succeed gaining higher margin profits.

On the other hand, trading in Jita is faster for smaller market orders.

Amarr / Domain / Amarr Space

Total market value:693,3 billion ISK
Location (with link to evemaps):Amarr VIII (Oris) – Emperor Family Academy

Rens / Heimatar / Minmatar Space

Total market value:137,9 billion ISK
Location (with link to evemaps):Rens VI – Moon 8 – Brutor Tribe Treasury

Dodixie / Sinq Laison / Gallente Space

Total market value:91,4 billion ISK
Location (with link to evemaps):Dodixie IX – Moon 20 – Federation Navy Assembly Plant
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Secondary Eve Online Trade Hubs

Hek / Metropolis / Minmatar Space

Location (with link to evemaps):Hek VIII – Moon 12 – Boundless Creation Factory

Oursulaert / Essence / Gallente Space

Location (with link to evemaps):Oursulaert III – Federation Navy Testing Facilities

Tash-Murkon Prime / Tash-Murkon / Amarr Space

Location (with link to evemaps):Tash-Murkon Prime II – Moon 1 – Kaalakiota Corporation Factory

Agil / Khanid / Amarr Space

Location (with link to evemaps):Tash-Murkon Prime II – Moon 1 – Kaalakiota Corporation Factory

In-game cheat sheet

In order to quickly find those trade hubs in-game, it might be helpful to paste the following cheat sheet into your notepad:

<url=showinfo:1529//60003760>Jita IV – Moon 4 – Caldari Navy Assembly Plant</url> <url=showinfo:1932//60008494>Amarr VIII (Oris) – Emperor Family Academy</url> <url=showinfo:2498//60004588>Rens VI – Moon 8 – Brutor Tribe Treasury</url> <url=showinfo:3867//60011866>Dodixie IX – Moon 20 – Federation Navy Assembly Plant</url> <url=showinfo:2497//60005686>Hek VIII – Moon 12 – Boundless Creation Factory</url>

Source of cheat-sheet: https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Trade_hubs

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